Why Is Exploring Scotland In A Motorhome Better Than Exploring In A Car?

Here at Ariescape, we talk a lot about where to go on your motorhome travels in Scotland, what to see, what to do, which views are more beautiful than others – but we haven’t spent too much time on why you should do it all in a motorhome!

In a way, we haven’t felt like we’ve needed to. After all, compared to any other mode of transport, motorhome holidays are just the best way of doing it. End of story. 

Or at least, that’s the end of the story in our heads. But we’ve come to realise that there may be some people out there who need convincing.

For all of those unsure on whether renting a motorhome is better than taking your car, here are seven of the biggest reasons why we believe it is:

You Don’t Have To Book In And Out Of Hotels

We could sit here and talk all day about what our vehicles can bring to your holiday compared to a car, but really, all we need to say is this: no hotels!

That’s right, if you travel Scotland in a motorhome, it means you don’t have to go through the trouble of booking multiple hotels, arriving in time for check-in, leaving in time for check-out, getting lost on your way to the hotel, and all the other annoying things that come with jumping between different accommodation! 

You Don’t Have To Carry Around Your Luggage

Another benefit of travelling in a motorhome compared to a car is that you have more room for luggage and don’t have to keep carrying it around between different hotels. 

With a motorhome, your mode of transport is your accommodation, which means everything stays in one place. No hassle, no stress, no carrying heavy suitcases upstairs because the lifts are out of order. Bliss!

You Can Get The Camping Experience…Without The Camping!

In a way, the idea of camping is far better than the actual process of camping itself. Although it seems like a great way to get immersed in nature and feel the beauty of the outdoors, camping is nearly always more frustrating, annoying and muddy than that! 

With a motorhome, however, you can experience the romantic side of camping without putting up a single pole. It’s glamping but better!

You Have More Chance Of Making New Friends

Speaking of camping, one of our favourite things about motorhomes is the community of motorhome enthusiasts. 

After people return our vehicles to us, they almost always have a story about the people they met in caravan parks, how kind they were, and how great it was to share experiences of their holiday. That’s something you cannot get if you’re travelling around in a car.

You Don’t Have To Spend Too Much Money On Food

Weirdly, one of the most expensive things about holidays is eating. Think about it, if you’re staying in a hotel, you almost always go out somewhere for dinner. And this ends up costing far more than you expect it to. 

With a motorhome, you can buy some simple foods and cook them up in your very own kitchen. What’s more, you can have a relaxing evening in your motorhome, eating dinner by the window while staring at a beautiful view of your own choice.

You Can Work And Holiday At The Same Time

This might not seem like a great reason to pick a motorhome over a car, but it needs to be mentioned, as some holiday-goers can’t afford to step away from work for too long. In a motorhome, you have space and electronics to set up the laptop and form your own digital hub. 

This is especially useful for those who have to work but don’t want to step too far away from the fun. In a motorhome, you’re still involved in the action, but you’re also in your own little bubble to work away whenever you need to. 

You Have More Freedom

Lastly, we’re going to say that the best thing about motorhomes is that they give you freedom. If you’re travelling in a car, it’s likely that you have booked accommodation throughout the country. But what if you visit the Isle Of Skye and it’s even more beautiful than you thought it would be? What if you’ve only arranged to stay there for two days before moving on to your next accommodation in Dornie?

We’re not saying Dornie’s a downgrade from the Isle Of Skye! But it might not be the best place to go if you feel you have unfinished business. In a motorhome, you don’t have to worry about any of this. You can stay anywhere you like, for as long as you like. And that freedom is exactly what holidays are all about!