7 Ideas For A Relaxing Evening In Your Motorhome

Whether you’re exploring the mysterious shores of Loch Ness or white water rafting across the rapids of Aberfeldy, a Scottish motorhome adventure is full of excitement.

There’s always something to do and something new to experience, and all of it is… well, quite frankly, it’s exhausting!

Seriously, if you’re one of those adventure nuts who likes to pack everything into their holiday, you’ll be incredibly glad to be hiring a motorhome in Scotland

For the weary adventure, motorhomes offer a safe refuge to sit back, relax, and get properly rested up – without stepping a foot away from the adventure!

But what are the best ways to relax in your motorhome? Below are seven ideas for the most relaxing evenings:

Campfire Stories

When you’re travelling via motorhome, you’re going to be going to a few caravan parks, and these are great to meet other travellers and share stories around the campfire. 

Even if you don’t know how to make a campfire, you’ll probably find several scattered around the park, and nothing stops you from asking to pitch up a seat. With the flickering fire warming your feet and the wind in your hair, this is one of the most relaxing ways to finish your day. Just don’t fall asleep during someone else’s story; it’s bad campfire etiquette!

An Intimate Dinner For Two

If you’re travelling with your partner, you’ve probably gone out to a few restaurants in the evening. But you don’t have to spend a load of money to have a romantic time! Just a personal meal alone in one of our vehicles can be intimate and romantic enough to feel special. 

This is especially true if you’ve parked up somewhere beautiful, and you can watch the sun set behind the clouds and the stars begin to appear above you. Don’t scrimp on the food, though. It becomes slightly less romantic if you’re eating a Tesco ready meal…


Speaking of stars, one of the best things about travelling Scotland in a motorhome is the feeling of being one with nature. Think about it: if you were staying in a hotel and wanted a full view of the stars, you would have to leave your room, step in the lift, walk through reception and out the door. In a motorhome, however, all you have to do is take two steps, and you’re outside. 

This is perfect for those wanting to spend a relaxing evening stretched out on a deck chair, just watching the sky above them. Even better, if you travel to Galloway Forest Park, you’ll be in a gold-tier spot for stargazing – according to the Dark-Sky Association – with some once-in-a-lifetime, stunning views.

Wildlife Watching

Sticking with nature, just because it’s gone dark doesn’t mean you can’t still spend an evening looking out for Scotland’s most amazing animals. Nocturnal animals that you can sit and look out for include:

  • Owls
  • Nightjars
  • Badgers
  • Foxes
  • Hedgehogs
  • Bats
  • Beavers

One of the best things about travelling Scotland in the summer is the gradual transition from light to dark, so this is an especially good time to spot some of these animals!  

Games With The Kids

Do you remember those caravan holidays as a kid, where you would spend several hours in the evening playing board games with your family? Well, it’s time to give your own kids the same memories. 

While you’re exploring Scotland, look around for board games to play during those quiet, relaxing evenings. Not only are they great fun, but they’re an excellent way to get the kids tired out and ready for sleep!

Inspiration Gleaning 

Whether you read books or Kindles, some of the best moments on holiday involve simply sitting down and absorbing yourself into a good story. This is a great idea if you are looking for some inspiration on where to take the motorhome next. Several authors have written about Scotland over the years, and while you’re in your motorhome, you have the opportunity to visit those locations in the flesh! Books we would recommend include:

  • The Outlander Series, by Diana Gabaldon
  • Love Of Country: A Hebridean Journey, by Madeleine Bunting
  • The Lewis Trilogy, by Peter May
  • The Edinburgh Skating Club, by Micelle Sloan
  • The Crow Road, by Iain Banks

Adventure Planning

Lastly, if you’re thinking about having a relaxing evening in your motorhome and none of these ideas takes your fancy, then use the time to plan the rest of your adventure. 

Wherever you’re travelling to in Scotland, it’s important to have an itinerary and a clear idea of where you want to go and what you want to see. So, take the time to sit in — perhaps with a nice cup of tea and some Scottish shortbread – and plan the rest of your incredible journey!