The Interview: 5 Questions To Answer Before You Set Off On Your Motorhome Journey

So you’re going to Scotland. You’ve got your itinerary, your suitcase, your raincoat, your other raincoat for when your first raincoat gets too wet. It looks like you’re all set to go!

But hold off the pedal for a second. Take a seat. Relax. Get comfortable. We just need to ask you a few questions. 

What’s that we hear you say? You haven’t got time to answer questions?

Pah! We remember saying the same thing during our first motorhome holiday. Don’t worry, we know what it’s like. The excitement is rushing through you, the buzz everyone gets before going on holiday, the feeling that you just want to get it all started! 

But all these emotions always cloud your mind a little and can easily lead you to make some simple mistakes.

However, if you stop for a second and sit through our little interview, you can avoid those mistakes and ensure your motorhome hire holiday is a complete success. 

And there’s no time like the present, so let’s get started!

Question 1: Have You Checked And Double Checked Your Luggage?

You’re looking at us with an eyebrow raised, aren’t you? Yeah, okay, that’s normally a question you ask a child. But let’s face it, we’re not the ones who booked Go Ape in the Scottish Highlands, and it wasn’t your kids’ idea, either, even if that’s what you told the missus.

Listen, you can be 64 years old, with hundreds of holidays on your belt, and you can still forget to bring your toothbrush. No matter who you are, it’s always important to go through your luggage twice and ensure everything is there, essentials and non-essentials alike.

Question 2: Have You Read Our Terms And Conditions?

You know when you purchase something online, and a great American novel shows up on your screen with a little box at the end confirming that you’ve read it? Yeah, they’re not the most gripping of reads, and if we’re all being honest, we don’t tend to read the whole thing, do we?

But we should all read them, and if we’re talking about your motorhome holiday, you should definitely read ours. Our terms and conditions are not too long. They’re clear, concise, and necessary if you’re booking a motorhome hire holiday with us. So get your reading glasses on and go through them!

Question 3: Do You Know Exactly Where You’re Going?

Another silly question. You’re probably getting a little restless now. But get back in that chair and hear us out! Yes, you might have an itinerary, but have you factored in the holiday as a whole? For instance, have you thought about what season you’re visiting Scotland? 

There are so many great things about a Scottish summer, one being the number of festivals you might want to go to! The famous Edinburgh Fringe, for instance, takes place throughout August. Similarly, some of the places that you might want to go might be a little underwhelming in the winter, while other places can completely come alive. Think about the timing of your holiday, what you want to get out of Scotland, and how much you want to see!

Question 4: Are You Ready To Let It Go?

We can all learn something about that annoying Frozen song every now and then. The underlying message? Let it go. The importance of taking holidays is that they’re a chance to rejuvenate, so make sure you put everything in place to do that! Don’t hold off on anything. Errands, messages, calls, work, make sure they’re all done before you go. 

This might seem like a small point, but sometimes the smallest things can take up hours out of your day – hours you can’t afford to miss! If you ensure there are no loose ends, you’ll be able to completely immerse yourself in your Scottish adventure. 

Question 5: Have You Got Any Questions For Us?

Ah yes, the dreaded final question of every interview. Normally the answer is a rather shaky ‘uh, no…’ But we advise you to think about the question very carefully. Here at Ariescape, we’re always happy to answer any questions you might have about your upcoming travels. 

If there’s something on your mind, don’t let it linger. Ask us the question and we’ll give it our best answer. Within reason, of course. Don’t ask us what the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is because we don’t know. Anything else, however, is fair game. So, shoot, and we’ll see what we can do!