The Best Things About a Scottish Summer – and Why You Shouldn’t Underestimate it

If you’ve read the title of this blog, then we already know what you’re thinking… What summer?

Yes, ha ha, very funny. 

It’s a long-running joke that Scotland doesn’t actually have a summer but, as we write this – cosied up in our puffer jackets and trying to ignore the gale outside – the official summer season is about to begin, and we’re almost certain that it’s going to be a good one. 

Contrary to popular belief – and jokes – Scotland has a summer just like anywhere else in the UK, with average low temperatures of around 11°C and average highs of 19°C. 

It’s not exactly Florida in July, but it’s still hot enough to wear the occasional t-shirt and roll your trousers up a few inches!

It’s also not all about glorious sunshine. The real advantage of a Scottish summer is the number of things you can get up to compared to any other time in the year. 

In this way, if you’re planning on renting a motorhome in Scotland during the next few months, then you might well have chosen the best time to do so. 

A Scottish summer is full of fun, excitement, and that old word that literally underpins everything we do here at Ariescape…adventure! 

But how? Well, below we’ve listed seven of the best things about Scotland in the summer and how you can take advantage during your motorhome holiday:

There Are Longer Hours!

First off, one of the best things about a Scottish summer is that the days suddenly get way longer. During the winter and early spring, the sun generally sets at around 4:00 PM, whereas at the peak of summer, the sun begins to set at around 09:30 PM – with dusk taking place around 10:20 PM.

In many ways, this adds on nearly six hours of your day. More time to explore, have fun and see the wonders of Scotland in the sunlight.

There Are Music Festivals Galore

Another great thing about the Scottish summer is the amount of music festivals that you can go to. Many of these are open-air and, as we’ve admitted, there’s no guarantee of sunshine. But there is a guarantee of bright, summery vibes and some pretty catchy music. Some of the best festivals include:

  • Celtic Connections in Glasgow
  • Mull Music Festival in Isle Of Mull
  • Edinburgh Jazz And Blues Festival
  • Rewind Festival in Perth
  • Midnight Sun Weekender in Isle Of Lewis 

There’s The Fringe Festival

How can we talk about festivals without mentioning one of the best festivals in the UK? Fringe Festival in Edinburgh is a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment. Hundreds of people line the streets for shows, events, street performers, the list just goes on and on. The only thing we’d add is that you should try to catch the Fringe either at the very beginning or very end of your motorhome trip, as it does get very busy!

The Beaches Are Teeming With Life

On a sunny day, you wouldn’t be able to tell you were in Scotland if you were to travel down to one of the many beaches. Even when it’s cloudy, these beaches are teeming with life in the summer, with a number of people either sunbathing, playing games, or fancying their luck at a dip in the ocean. People even go swimming with basking sharks in Cole! Although we wouldn’t recommend this if you’ve ever seen Jaws.

The Sun Makes Everything Even More Beautiful

Speaking of the sun, when it is out, it makes Scotland look even more beautiful. Seriously, if you’re cruising along the Highlands, or looking to take the bridge to the Isle Of Skye, the green pastures and crystal blue water look almost sparkling when the sun is shining down upon them. It’s almost as if the beauty of the country moves up by 50%. Everything just gets more stunning. 

There’s More Chance To Meet New People 

Another benefit of travelling to Scotland in the summer is the chance to meet new people. As mentioned before, the sun goes down at around 4:00 PM in the winter, and the weather is often too cold to be milling about outside – especially when it comes to caravan parks. In the summer, however, you’ll find way more people out and about and enjoying the rare warmth, which gives you more opportunity to start conversations and meet some new friends!

Everyone Has That Summer Feeling 

Lastly, Scotland just feels different in the summer. Don’t get us wrong, this is a beautiful country to visit all year round, but no-one can deny the light-hearted, summery vibes that you get from May through to September. 

Of course, the sun might not be blazing, but that doesn’t stop the buzz of summer from lingering in the air. It’s there wherever you go, and coupled with the amount of events, adventures and landscapes that you can visit, we think that more or less puts Scotland on par with Florida. Perhaps even better…