7 Beautiful And Unique Photo Ops In Scotland

Even if you’re not an avid photographer, the chances are you’ll be drawn to take a few more than just one picture when travelling the expanse of Scotland. This place is famed for its rolling hills, glorious glaciers and beautiful towns and villages. It is essentially a postcard wrapped into a package of a country. In fact, we’re pretty sure that whoever invented postcards must have come up with the idea in Scotland. It’s not official, but yeah, we’d be willing to bet on it!

With all of this being said, however, you might be wondering what the most beautiful and unique photo ops actually are. If you’re someone who likes to update their Instagram page daily, what exactly are the spots that will light up your portfolio and show the world just how amazing your vacation destination really is? Well, we’ve concocted a list of what we think are the most beautiful photo ops in Scotland, starting with potentially the very best:

Take A Selfie At Cairngorms National Park

Ah, Cairngorms National Park. You know this was where they filmed the Hogwarts Express making its way to Hogwarts? If that’s not an indication of how magical this location is, then we don’t know what is. We recommend while travelling in one of our Scottish motorhomes you use this spot as the background to a beautiful selfie… not of you and your family, but of you and your motorhome! Oh, alright, the family can get in there too.

Experiment In The Isle Of Skye

Suppose you want to experiment a bit with your photography skills. In that case, we recommend purchasing what is known as a crystal photography ball, which is perfect for achieving some mind-bending but beautiful landscape shots. This works best when placed near water, which is why we’ve recommended the Isle Of Skye to test it out!

Experience The World At Ben Nevis

One of the main activities that our motorhome drivers get up to is hiking. If you’re a keen hiker, we recommend going to Ben Nevis and taking on the big climb all the way to the top. Sure, many hikers say it’s one of the most challenging climbs in Scotland, but it’s also the most worthwhile. When you get to the top, you can get a full 360 view of the Highlands – although the Highlands can feel more like the whole world when you’re up there! This is a great opportunity for hikers and photographers alike, so don’t be afraid to get your hiking boots on and give them a try.

Capture Scottish Life At Applecross Village

If you want to take a snapshot of Scottish life, then we recommend visiting the cute little village of Applecross, situated on the Bealach Na Ba mountain pass. This is a gorgeous village known for its fishing and farming. Although small, it can provide plenty of interesting and unique photo opportunities. You can also stop for a bite to eat in the Applecross Walled Garden, which is famous for its fresh fish and lobster.

Explore Edinburgh’s Secret At Portobello Beach

When you set off in one of our vehicles for your motorhome adventure, you’ll be starting in Edinburgh, Scotland. However, before you begin the journey, we’d recommend looking around this area and taking it all in. Of course, the city has many photo opportunities, but if you travel further east, you’ll come across the gorgeous beach of Portobello. This is one of the best beaches in Scotland, and also a bit of a secret for newcomers, who are often surprised that there’s a beach right on Edinburgh’s doorstep!

Go Wildlife Spotting At The Three Ladies

If you want to try your hand at some wildlife photography, we recommend visiting the Three Sisters in Glencoe. The wildlife is abundant here, with some of the best animals to look out for, including deer, pine marten, otters and wildcats. If you’re really lucky, you might even get a snap of a Golden Eagle or two. So get your David Attenborough cap on and give it a go!

Simply Enjoy The Nights In

We’re going to finish off this list by telling you that, although these places are all magical, sometimes the best holiday photographs are not of the vast landscapes and vistas but of you and your family simply enjoying yourselves. If you’re spending a quiet night in your motorhome, or you’re gathered around a campfire laughing as your hubby tries to light it, make sure to keep snapping and get as much as you can into the gallery. This holiday is all about you and your family, after all. So capture these experiences and ensure you have something to make you laugh and smile when you come to look back at them.