The Best Places To Watch The Rugby World Cup 2023 In Scotland

If you’re planning to travel to the beautiful land of Scotland later this year, you’ve got something pretty big to look forward to. On 8th September, the Rugby World Cup 2023 kicks off, and it’s sure to be just as much of a sporting festival as the Football World Cup last year.

But the Rugby World Cup is in France, isn’t it? Well, yes. But Scotland is one of the most enthusiastic rugby countries in the world. Sure, football is good. Tennis has its merits. But put a rugby game on the television, and people in Scotland seem to go a bit wild – especially when their team is playing!

Rugby is also a game of great values. Rivals easily become friends, and – although there’s often a bit of banter – supporting an opposing team never means you have to sit apart from anyone else.  

Travelling Scotland in your motorhome around this time gives you a great opportunity to watch the games and be introduced to fellow fans (and perhaps later, friends). There are countless brilliant places to watch rugby throughout this country, so here’s a list of just a handful that you should pop into during your motorhome journey.

Before we begin, it is important to note that every spot on this list is predictably a bar of some kind, and, while you do not have to drink alcohol, you need to ensure there won’t be any driving after the game if you do.

The Three Sisters, Edinburgh

When you start your motorhome hire in Scotland, your first port of call will be Edinburgh – where we are based. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, so it’s a good idea to get here at least a day before your motorhome journey begins. Although there are too many rugby venues to choose from in Edinburgh, one of the very best is The Three Sisters. This is a gorgeous bar with a gigantic outdoor screen. Before a Scotland game, a bagpiper traditionally performs a quick rendition of Flower Of Scotland, which does a lot to ramp up the atmosphere.

Waxy O’Connors, Glasgow

If you are exploring Glasgow during the Rugby World Cup, then you can’t do much better than Waxy O’Connors as a rugby venue. The inside of this bar is just as quirky as the name suggests. Crafted solely of wood, being inside this place is like wandering around a mystical forest, only there’s a rugby game being played on every floor and beautifully cooked food wafting from the floorboards! It’s hard to think of a spot as pretty as this to watch a rugby game, so make sure you pay it a visit.

The Auctioneers, Inverness

The Auctioneers is a venue within the heart of Inverness. It was one of the most popular spots during the Football World Cup and is sure to be even more buzzing in late 2023. The rugby will be played out on a big cinema screen, and the friendly atmosphere will ensure you make a few new friends whilst you watch. Just make sure you’re not there during a Scotland game unless you’re feeling confident they’ll win. There’s nothing more difficult than consoling a Scotland fan after a tough loss, and they haven’t exactly got the easiest of pools this year!

Old School House, Aberdeen

The Old School House is a glorious place to kick the feet up and enjoy a haggis pie during one of the Rugby World Cup games. It used to be a school – hence the name – but now it is a friendly place for people to get together and watch rugby on any one of the seven large screens. If you’re wondering why you should visit Aberdeen, this is as good a reason as any. It also happens to be one of the most beautiful spots in all of Scotland, so the trip will certainly be worth it – even if the game doesn’t go your way!

The Pear Tree, Edinburgh

We started with Edinburgh, so we’ll end in Edinburgh (you have to return the motorhome back to us eventually)! Before you go back to ordinary life, however, you should definitely look into staying in the city for just one night. The Pear Tree is probably joint first-place with The Three Sisters when it comes to Edinburgh rugby venues. Once again, it has a gigantic screen placed outside of the venue, with a number of seating areas for fans to come together. It’s also right in the heart of the city. This means you can drop the motorhome off, go and catch a game, look into a few more spots to visit in Edinburgh, and then discover them before the holiday is over!