7 Things To Do If You’re Visiting Scotland On Halloween

At times, there can be something inherently creepy about Scotland. Maybe it’s the numerous ghost stories, the eerie ancient castles, the vast lochs covered in fog, or the gnarled silhouettes of trees against a wide, open twilight sky. This country is the perfect Halloween setting.

That’s why, if you’ve booked one of our Scottish motorhomes for a holiday this October, you should take every advantage. 

Across Scotland, there are numerous events and places – kid-friendly and adult-orientated – that can make this Halloween the best one yet. To help you pick, we’ve listed out our favourites below, as well as a few words on what makes them so spooktacular. 

The Floors Castle Pumpkin Hunt 

If you’re travelling with the kids, then we couldn’t rate Floors Castle high enough. This is a gorgeous castle in the heart of the Scottish Borders, Kelso, and probably home to a gruesome murder or two over the last few hundred years – it’s a castle in Scotland, of course there have been murders! To celebrate Halloween, the castle is putting on a pumpkin hunt around the castle grounds and the nearby, autumnal woodlands, which is great fun for the kids provided they don’t get spooked so easily.

Date: 20th – 29th October

Rating: 3 Spooks Out Of 5

The Paisley Halloween Festival

The Paisley Halloween Festival is one of the most popular events of the year. No matter whether you’re a kid or an adult, there’s something for everyone during this event, including impressive street theatre, light displays, acrobatics, and several spooky art installations. 

Date: 26th – 28th October

Rating: 3 Spooks Out Of 5

Banshee’s Labyrinth

When you’re not driving our vehicles, we keep them warmed up in the city of Edinburgh, so we’ve had a chance to experience some of the city’s many horrific delights. One of these delights is called Banshee’s Labyrinth, which is apparently the most haunted pub in Scotland – although they all claim to be the most haunted pub in Scotland. This is a place which exudes horror, with scary frames upon the wall, cobwebs on the ceilings, and even horror shows and seances that take place in the vaults underground. For horror movie lovers, the Banshee also has its own cinema which plays horror movies all season long.

Date: All Week From 7 PM to 03:00 AM

Rating: 5 Spooks Out Of 5

Provan Hall Ghost Hunt

If you’ve been wondering whether to visit Edinburgh or Glasgow, then we’ll give you something to balance your decision: Provan Hall. This is one of the most exciting places you can go to in the city during Halloween, and it’s often number one on many ghost-hunters’ lists of places to investigate. Over the Halloween season, Provan Hall is putting on a special ghost tour where you’ll explore the house and grounds in search of strange creatures and elusive ghouls, – many of which are said to have been there as early as the 15th century. 

Date: 12th – 31st October

Rating: 4 Spooks Out Of 5

The Witching Hour Exhibition

The Witching Hour exhibition in Stirling has been a great success over the last few years, and it’s perfect for families who are interested in real horror stories. Taking place over the course of two weeks, the programme includes a look at a beautifully constructed display, which takes you through several stories of Stirling’s alleged witches, as well as various artworks and panel talks covering all things warty. 

Date: 16th October – 2nd November

Rating: 3 Spooks Out Of 5

Edinburgh Late Night Dungeons

Going back to Edinburgh for a moment, this place is famous for its old, haunted vaults that run underneath the city. The Edinburgh Dungeons is one of the best things you can do in Edinburgh around Halloween, and it gives you a chance to see these vaults, complete with some spooky characters who walk you through the history – and give you a few scares while they’re at it. If you want something a little more intense, we highly recommend trying out the Edinburgh Late Night experience. With 18+ content, this is a true challenge for all the horror buffs who claim not to be scared of anything. 

Date: Every Friday Night

Rating: 5 Spooks Out Of 5

The Campfire

We’re going to shake it up a little bit for this last one. Although there are tons of events, parties, and exhibitions you can go to on Halloween, some families simply enjoy staying in and creating the spooks for themselves. There’s no better opportunity to do this than on a Scottish motorhome holiday. Just imagine, you’re parked up for the evening, the moon is full, you’re telling stories around a flickering campfire, and strange noises are echoing from the hills in the distance… We’re shaking a little just thinking about it!

Date: Anytime 

Rating: As Spooky As You Want It To Be!