7 Best Edinburgh Activities To Experience On Your Last Day

With Ariescape headquarters residing in Loanhead, Edinburgh, you’ll be visiting the city when you come to pick up – and drop off – your motorhome. 

This is fortunate for you, because Edinburgh happens to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and a great place to explore if you want to make the most out of your motorhome travels. 

Of course, hiring a motorhome in Scotland is a one-way course to adventure and excitement, so you’ll probably want to conserve that energy when you pick the vehicle up. At the end of the adventure, however, the city is a perfect place to perform one last hurrah. 

There are plenty of things to do if you don’t want your travels to end. As with any city, you won’t be able to do all of them, but if you want to take advantage, here are seven ideas that will send you driving home with a smile on your face: 

First Off, Fuel Up On George IV Bridge 

Having just returned from what was probably a long journey, it is important to fuel up before you take on the wonders that Edinburgh has to offer. There are many cafes on George IV Bridge that are perfect for doing just that. Scran Bistro, for instance, is located just a few steps from the Royal Mile, in Old Town, and will serve as a good midway point on your way up to your first destination. The staff are friendly, the food is great – and plentiful – and the atmosphere is warm and cosy, which is great if you’re travelling in the winter.

Move Onto Edinburgh Castle

Yes, yes, this is probably on every “what to do in Edinburgh” list out there, but it really is must-see. The castle is a maze of history, with old ghosts and stories eking out from every wall. It is located on the plug of an old volcano, and the useful audio-tours direct you all the way to the top, where a gorgeous little chapel – used by Saint Margaret over eight-hundred-years ago – will be waiting for you.

Fun fact: if your name is Margaret, you can get married in this chapel for free. So, enrol that deed poll people!

On The Way Back, Stroke Bobby’s Nose

Wait, whose nose? Don’t worry, this isn’t a person who just likes their nose scratched. This is the statue of Bobby the dog, who went down in the history books after watching over his master’s grave for years after he died. He is now remembered with a beautiful statue outside of Greyfriars Graveyard, where locals and tourists alike stroke his nose to bring good luck – you can even see the wear of copper from where his nose has been stroked so many times. The graveyard itself was an inspiration for JK Rowling, with the grave of Thomas Riddell regularly visited during her breaks in writing, so whilst you’re there, venture in and take a look!

Feed The Swans At St Margaret’s Loch

Recently made famous by Michelle Sloan’s “The Edinburgh Skating Club”, St Margaret’s loch is a beautiful, secluded area in Holyrood Park which is filled to the brim with wildlife. After your motorhome journey  through the country, you might be missing the misty highlands and glens, so this is a great place to re-familiarise yourself with Scotland’s great outdoors for one last time. Just remember, only corn should be fed to the swans – if you’re going to feed them – as anything else will upset their stomachs!

Go For A Shopping Spree On Prince’s Street

When you set off for your motorhome holiday, you likely had a bit of temptation to nip into the many amazing-looking shops in Edinburgh. Of course, you were sensible, and you didn’t want to fill up your motorhome too much just before setting off. Now, however, you don’t have that problem. Prince’s Street is a long stretch of road which is full of stores, all of which offer a load of trinkets to take back home with you. So go and have one last splurge – just don’t go too crazy. 

Go Back To Old Town For Camera Obscura (But Only At Night!)

If you can’t quite find it in yourself to leave just yet, Camera Obscura offers one last fun-filled activity before the journey home. It is located on the Royal Mile, and it’s full of mind-bending illusions that will get the brain racing. It also has a brilliant balcony view at the very top, which offers a scenic 360 view of the city. We would recommend visiting this one at night. Although the day views are obviously just as beautiful, there’s something about looking around the city’s sparkling lights, the red hue of the Scott Monument, the faint glow of Edinburgh castle, and the bold silhouette of Arthur’s Seat, which just cannot be beaten.

Before Going Home, Lock Yourself Into The City

No, no, don’t actually lock yourself into the city. That would be silly. There is a small fence on Carlton Hill, just a few steps away from Camera Obscura. For one reason or another, locals and tourists have taken to writing a little note on a padlock and locking it into the bars of the fence. This is a simple but beautiful idea to make sure a piece of your heart remains in this fabulous city. So, before you jump in the car and say farewell to your Scotland adventures, lock a piece of yourself in the city and become an ever-present part of its history.