10 Things To Do During A Trip To Dundee

If you’ve got the family packed, the house tidied, the dogs in the kennel, and you’re about to set off to Edinburgh to pick up one of our motorhomes, we suggest you STOP RIGHT THERE!

Ahem, sorry for shouting. But seriously, just pause for a little bit and look at your itinerary for your motorhome travels, because there’s a place we really think you should visit. 

One of the most popular places to explore in Scotland today is the city of Dundee, just two miles north-west of Newport-on-Tay. 

It’s known for being one of the most frequented and beautiful spots for travellers, especially those looking for an eclectic Scottish experience. But we’ve noticed that many of our fellow motorhome enthusiasts tend to give it a miss. 

This is probably because it’s a city, for one, but also because there are just too many places in Scotland to visit, it simply gets left behind with all the other great places. 

Okay, you might be thinking, but what makes Dundee so good? 

Dundee has a variety of things for tourists to do, meaning you can give your motorhome holiday some extra spice in just a couple of days – or one day, for that matter! 

If you’re about to get into one of our Scottish motorhomes but you’re still not sure, take a look at our list below.

Park Up At The Dundee Law

The first thing you can do in Dundee is park up at Dundee Law, one of Scotland’s most prominent hills. Technically, this is a volcano sill, formed 400 million years ago from molten rock. It’s a beautiful natural landmark with some stunning views and is always a popular tourist destination.

Have A Picnic In Camperdown Country Park 

If you’re wanting greenery on your Scottish travels, you’re not going to miss out on that just because you’re in a city. Camperdown Country Park is a gorgeous stretch of greenery right in the centre of the city, with some excellent playparks if you are travelling with the children.

Discover The Discovery Point

If you’re looking up what to do in Dundee, you will always find the RRS Discovery anchored right at the top of all to-do lists. This is a world-famous ship, known for its epic Antarctic voyages, and it’s available to tour for all members of the public! 

Cruise Into The Museum Of Transport

Looking for the best museums to visit in Scotland? Well, one of the museums that is often overlooked is the Museum of Transport, in the city of Dundee. If you’re not tired of driving our motorhome – and let’s be honest, why would you be?! – then this is definitely worth a look if you are into your machinery and want to know more about the history of Scottish motors.

Smell The Flowers At The Dundee Botanic Garden

Yet more greenery! The Dundee Botanic Garden is one of the most beautiful gardens in Scotland, full of gorgeous plants, conifers, broad-leaved trees, tropical glasshouses, and much more. As many as 80,000 visitors take a look around every year, so make yourself one of those 80,000 and get to grips with Scottish nature up close! 

Try The Jam At The Flame Tree Café 

There are many things that Dundee is famous for, one of them being the creation of jam and marmalade! This stems all the way back to a woman named Janet Keiller in 1797, when she devised a recipe to make use of oranges brought home from her husband on a Spanish ship. If you want to be properly local, therefore, we recommend going to one of Dundee’s best cafes, The Flame Tree Café, and trying some out for yourself.

Buy Thirteen Records At Thirteen Records

Dundee is also known for its vibrant music scene, so why not support one of the local record stores? Thirteen Records is certainly the most loved music shop in the city at the moment, with a huge collection of new and second-hand records to take a look at and bring home. Sadly, we have many utilities in our motorhomes, but we don’t have a vinyl music system in our motorhomes, so you’ll have to wait to get home before giving them a spin!

Laze Around On Broughty Ferry Beach 

If you’re going to Scotland to laze around on some sandy beaches, first of all, what’s wrong with you? Second of all, Dundee is the perfect place for you! Well, technically, Broughty Ferry Beach is four miles east of Dundee, but it’s the best place to kick up your feet and chill in front of the waves. Just be prepared to get a little wet, even if you’re not planning on swimming…

Spot The Wildlife At The Camperdown Wildlife Centre

If wildlife is your jam, then a great place to experience it is at the Camperdown Wildlife Centre, known for housing beautiful animals from lemurs to choughs, marmosets, bears, and more. Once again, this is a great activity for kids. Just make sure you cover their eyes when they walk through the gift shop at the other end!

Become A Ghost Hunter In The Vaults

Your Scotland experience won’t be a true Scottish experience if you don’t hunt for at least one ghost tour. Thankfully, Dundee has its own vaults, which were hidden from the city between 1750 to 2000. Many visitors have admitted to feeling strange presences and hearing odd noises when they step inside them. The last thing you can do in the city, then, is take a look and perhaps take home your very own curse! Well, okay, maybe don’t do that. But the vaults are definitely a perfect way to end your tour of Dundee. A tour that – after reading this blog – you will hopefully now make!